Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Homework VISC 202

1) Define the word 'grid'?
       - A network of vertical and horizontal lines that are used to create alined design plans.
2) Why do we (designers) use a grid?What are the benefits or functions?
       - The grid is used to guide the designer. It guides by alining and organizing the separate images and texts in a design. The benefits would be---an easy way to line up the separate pieces in the design and it acts as a perimeter so the design is organized and clean.
3) What is a modular grid?
       - Modular Grids are consistent horizontal divisions throughout the page with vertical divisions cutting through the horizontal from left to right.
4)-->see next post.
5) Define Hierarchy
       - Hierarchy is a series of ordered groupings within a system.
6) What is Typographic Color?
       - Typographic Color is  apparent blackness of a block of text resulting from the combined effect of the relative thickness of the strokes of individual characters, their width and point size and the leading (line spacing) used in setting the text as stated on
7)  What are ways to achieve a clear hierarchy?
      - Use bigs and smalls. Changing color, size, and opacity can also set a clear hierarchy.
8) Define White Space
       - White space is the space on the page that is not being used by the type or images.
9) Define Contrast
       - Contrast is an exhibition of differing objects, color, and size.

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