Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Package Redesigning the Experience


Redesign a take-out food packaging experience with consideration to it’s sustainability. In our throw-away society, restaurants usually specify their packaging choices based on conventional sizes/materials or perceived budget restraints. Not often enough is consideration is given to the user’s experience of it, how it leverages their brand or how it impacts the environment.

Designers can have a power impact on all phases of the user experience. Often our involvement is limited to the duties of creating graphics and specifying materials. This project is meant to challenge your design muscles and give you an opportunity to think up and down the entire design process. In this assignment, research and concept will be the most important items you deliver.


I chose 5 Guys because their packaging is rather plain and boring. The main problem with the packaging was that the paper bag would seep grease from the fries and there was hardly any branding. I am posting my presentation of my redesign and my printing specs to show how the new packaging works with the environment.

Pecha Kucha

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